Monday, April 15, 2013

Reclaim my free space in iphone 4

Having been taking pics and pics. There are lots and lots of them taken and stored them in my iphone 4, until one fine day, I ran out of free space in my iphone 4!

Going to General -> Usage and then free up some space by deleting unnecessary apps in my iphone.

Under General -> About -> Diagnostics & Usage -> Diagnostics & Usage , I saw there are many logs files or crash reports. Ok, can I delete them and free up some space (if any?)

Did a quick search, sync it under itunes and then the logs files or crash reports will disappear..... and then dumped into my Windows Recycle Bin! In fact, the original location is under iTunes\iTunes Media\Mobile Applications.

Ok, so how many items are there and how much space it hogged? 32 items totalled 566MB!

Anyway, planning to change my iphone 4 too. Which phones do you think I should use?

- wong chee tat :)

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