Thursday, January 17, 2013

The Impossible

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RUNWAY COP Teaser Trailer

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A-REIT reports 4% increase in distribution per unit in Q3 2012

A-REIT reports 4% increase in distribution per unit in Q3 2012
Posted: 15 January 2013 1928 hrs

SINGAPORE: Ascendas Real Estate Investment Trust (A-REIT) has reported a 4.0 per cent on-year increase in distribution per unit (DPU) to 3.62 cents for its third quarter ended 31 December 2012.

The amount available for distribution increased 11.9 per cent to S$81.1 million in the quarter under review.

In a filing on the Singapore Exchange, A-REIT said it recorded positive rental reversion of between 5.5 per cent and 25.3 per cent over the preceding rental rate for renewal leases.

Despite the weakening economic climate, A-REIT said its occupancy rate for the portfolio remained stable at 96.4 per cent.

Meanwhile, occupancy rate for multi-tenanted buildings (on a same-store basis) stood at 93.5 per cent.

For the remaining of the financial year, A-REIT has about 2.1 per cent of its revenue due for renewal.

In the next financial year, about 24.6 per cent of its property income will be due for renewal.

A-REIT said it has started renewal negotiation, with about 22 per cent of the related expiring revenue renewed and another 13 per cent in advance negotiation.

A-REIT added that it has secured commitment for about 31 per cent of the lettable space at Nexus@one-north (previously known as Fusionopolis Phase 3), which is scheduled to be completed in the third quarter of 2013.

To take advantage of the prospective future demand in the Jurong Lake District, A-REIT has also started new asset enhancement work at 31 International Business Park

Barring any unforeseen event, A-REIT expects to maintain a stable performance for the financial year ending 31 March 2013.

- CNA/xq

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Hand Sanitizer

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贪污调查局查案人员Bay Chun How今天出庭供证时说,高文慧是在去年4月2号第一次被带到当局接受调查时,向当局透露这点。

Bay Chun How是控方的第七名证人。他说,他当天到被告郑尊行的家调查,大约早上10点回返贪污调查局。当时,他了解到高文慧在受盘问的过程中,十分合作,并证实曾送被告礼物、同他发生关系。高文慧也告诉查案人员自己怀孕和堕胎的事。



控方第三个证人今天也出庭供证。她是国大人力资源部的高级副处长 Lee Swee Khuen。她说,国大有一套行为准则,要求职员必须呈报所收到的礼品和任何利益冲突。

- wong chee tat :)

郑尊行性贿赂案 涉案女生曾怀孕堕胎

Wednesday, 16 January 2013 22:45


声 称供词并非自愿作出,被告郑尊行反对六份口供书呈堂,案子目前进入案中案的审讯。法官接下来必须对,是否接纳口供书为证据做出裁决,调查员在录制口供的过 程中,有没有使用不恰当的手段,成了审讯的焦点。为被告录制第一份口供书的贪污调查局调查员马俊豪透露,虽然被告是在去年4月2日被带到贪污调查局问话, 不过因为被告后来身体不适,被紧急送医,口供三天后才录制完成。当被问及,录口供过程中,是否有强迫、利诱或答应给被告任何好处时,马俊豪表示没有,因为 对方可是前法官。
郑 尊行致电贪污调查局,称要下来录口供,还叫调查员来接他。马俊豪告诉他,等他病假结束后才继续录口供,不过郑尊行坚持。马俊豪回复郑尊行,如果真要来,就 自己下来。郑尊行抵达贪污调查局之后,马俊豪去接他,郑尊行当时还穿着病人服装。郑尊行称,那是因为他之前呕吐弄脏了衣服。
星期三出庭供证的还有国大人力资源处高级协理处长李瑞勤。她透露, 被告目前被令暂时停职,不过依然领取全额薪资。 据了解郑尊行是在去年7月被控,不久之后就被令停职。

- wong chee tat :)

NUS law prof Tey contests 6 CPIB statements

NUS law prof Tey contests 6 CPIB statements
By Claire Huang | Posted: 16 January 2013 1313 hrs

SINGAPORE: The National University of Singapore (NUS) law professor defending himself in the sex-for-grades corruption trial has contested the admissibility of his six statements to the Corrupt Practices Investigation Bureau (CPIB).

Tey Tsun Hang, 41, said they cannot be counted as evidence as they were made under duress.

A hearing to determine the admissibility of the statements, also known as trial within a trial, took place on Wednesday.

Tey faces six allegations that he obtained gifts and sex from his ex-student and then girlfriend, Ms Darinne Ko Wen Hui between May and July in 2010, in return for lifting her grades.

Prosecution's seventh witness, CPIB investigator Bay Chun How told the court that during the interview on April 2 last year, Tey Tsun Hang said he had "expected this day to come".

During the trial within a trial hearing, he said Tey had started out being "frank", "forthright" and "helpful", but turned silent when told of the allegations.

Mr Bay recalled Tey staring at his tie then looking up at him with "red and tearing" eyes.

In recounting the events of April 2, Mr Bay also told the court that Ms Ko revealed to them she had been pregnant.

He told the court he had returned to the bureau shortly before 10am that day after making a trip to Tey's house.

Before interviewing Tey, Mr Bay had wanted to find out what progress had been made.

That was when he learnt that Ms Ko was already giving information and had confirmed her sexual relationship with Tey, as well as the gifts.

He added that she had told the CPIB about her pregnancy and abortion.

The court heard that Tey became unwell during questioning on April 2 and was sent to the hospital in an ambulance.

While he was on sick leave, Mr Bay said Tey offered to go back to CPIB to record his statement.

When asked how he reacted towards Tey, bearing in mind he had just got out of hospital, Mr Bay said: "He looked well and wanted to give the statement."

Asked if the recording of the statement was made under threat, inducement or promises, Mr Bay flatly denied it, saying it is because Tey is an ex-public prosecutor and former judge.

Mr Bay had recorded one of six statements contested by Tey. His colleague Wilson Khoo recorded two statements, while Deputy Director Teng Khee Fatt recorded the other three.

A trial within trial takes place when the three men take the stand to testify.

With such a hearing, both the prosecution and defence will question the three CPIB staff to see if the statements were made under duress.

If so, the defence can then argue that the statements are inadmissible in court.

Earlier in the day, Tey continued his cross-examination of CPIB officer Png Chen Chen.

She was the one who interrogated Ms Ko.

Tey charged that Ms Png extracted the confession from Ms Ko under inducement, promises and threats, but the CPIB officer disagreed.

The trial continues with Mr Bay on the stand for a second day.

Ms Png was the prosecution's second witness.

A third prosecution witness, Mdm Lee Swee Khuen, also took the stand.

Mdm Lee is a senior associate director of the Human Resource Department of NUS.

She testified that NUS has a code of conduct, requiring staff to declare gifts as well as conflict of interests.

An issue raised by Tey on January 15 also surfaced during her testimony.

Tey had said he could not afford two forensic tests costing more than S$50,000 to verify handwriting and ink dating on his cheque book entries as he has been suspended since July last year.

On Wednesday, Mdm Lee told the court that Tey is still receiving his pay every month, even while on suspension.

MediaCorp understands that Tey is paid more than S$15,000 a month.

The fourth witness who testified was Ms Eileen Pang, senior associate director of financial services at NUS.

Other prosecution witnesses who testified in court were Mr Akira Goh of CYC Shanghai Shirt Company, and Mr De Costa Desmond Max, seller of the iPod Touch.

The trial continues with Mr Bay on the stand for a second day on Thursday.

- CNA/fa

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