Date issued : 27 Mar 2014
To provide developers and home buyers with more choices for private housing, the Housing & Development Board (HDB) and Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA) will be releasing three residential sites for sale in March 2014 under the 1st Half 2014 (1H2014) Government Land Sales (GLS) Programme. Together, these three sites can yield about 1,300 residential units.
2The two Executive Condominium sites at Yishun Street 51 are launched for sale under the Confirmed List, while the residential site at Margaret Drive will be made available on the Reserve List today.
3Information on the land parcels can be found in Annex 1
(PDF 9KB) and the location plans in Annex 2
(PDF 376KB). Further details on the land parcels are also available on the HDB and URA websites: (Yishun Street 51, Parcel A) (Yishun Street 51, Parcel B)
4For the two Executive Condominium sites at Yishun Street 51, the closing date for the tender is 22 May 2014. Developer's packets containing tender details and conditions of these two sites are available at HDB’s Procurement Office (HDB Hub Basement 1).
- wong chee tat :)