Sunday, January 2, 2011


Made some changes to the blog.

- wong chee tat :)

New Year’s 2011 breaks non-recurring iPhone alarm clocks (update: auto-fixes)

According to multiple users expressing their frustration through Twitter, come New Years 2011 (where ever you are) your iPhone alarm clock won’t function correctly. You may recall a similar bug in iOS when daylight savings time switched on but this is exactly the opposite. This New Year’s 2011 iPhone alarm clock bug shows its face to users without recurring alarms.

This means that anybody who sets an alarm just for tomorrow won’t be woken up by the iPhone’s built-in alarm clock application. To avoid this issue you need to set a recurring alarm by tapping repeat to select the days you want the alarm to go off on. Apple is yet to say anything and it is still unknown whether this is iOS 4.2.1 only or if it affects past system versions too. Be sure to tell everyone you know with iPhones! (via Engadget)

Update: We just ran a few tests and the above iPhone alarm clock issue fixes itself on January 3rd. You should follow our steps to avoid the issue above until then. Reader Aaron F. has let us know that the issue is occurring on his iOS 4.1 iPhone 4 as well (iOS 4.0.2 t00). Let us know if you see the issue on anything earlier. The issue does not appear to be present on iOS 3.x devices.

- wong chee tat :)

Hotmail Users Report Blank Inboxes

Hotmail Users Report Blank Inboxes

By: David Murphy
  • 01.01.2011
The ring of the new year has come with an unpleasant surprise for some users of Microsoft's Hotmail service. According to multiple postings on Microsoft's official support forum for Windows Live, a number of users are reporting that their entire Hotmail accounts have been completely deleted without warning.

However, it's not as if Microsoft has—for whatever reason—pulled the plug on the accounts themselves. Users can still log in sans issue. However, they arrive at empty inboxes: No custom folders, no messages in "Sent" or "Deleted," nothing. As one might expect, the abruptness (and unexpectedness) of the purge has left some of Hotmail's long-time users a bit in the dark.

"I have a Hotmail account since I remember myself on the web (1990's)," writes user Yair Gil. "I logged into it on 31th December 2010 at around 06:30hrs. Got an error message and a 'new' hotmail account with a first system welcome message. All previous mails in the inbox are gone and all the folders created are also not there."

There's been no indication as to how many Hotmail users are affected by whatever it is that's going on over on Microsoft's end. Reports of the email outage, for lack of a better term, have been surfacing on Microsoft's help boards since early this past week. According to moderators' responses, Microsoft's product team is allegedly aware of the issue and is actively looking into whatever it might be.

But that's about as specific as Microsoft has been with its explanation as to why inboxes—in their entirety—are being wiped out. As well, there's been no indication as to what—if anything—Microsoft will be able to recover. As many of those on Microsoft's Solution Center team are quick to point out, message recovery on Microsoft's end, post-deletion, doesn't always work as expected. A special exception might be made for widespread issues but, again, that's mere speculation at this point.

Normally, a user's Hotmail account goes up for automatic deletion if it isn't touched for a period of 120 days or within the first 10 days of the account's activation. At that point, all messages, contacts, and folders get tossed, but the email account itself remains eligible for reactivation for a period of 90 extra days—or 210 days in total.

We'll keep tabs on this story and update with any information from Microsoft's end as soon as its available.

- wong chee tat :)