Thursday, November 1, 2012

NUS to decide on student sex blogger in a week's time

NUS to decide on student sex blogger in a week's time
By Dylan Loh | Posted: 31 October 2012 2011 hrs
SINGAPORE: The NUS will decide in a week's time whether to take any disciplinary action against a student for posting explicit videos and pictures of himself and his girlfriend online.

Law student Alvin Tan, who met representatives of the National University of Singapore (NUS) on Wednesday, said he is worried about the possible consequences of his actions, including expulsion.

He is currently on a leave of absence from the university, and intends to return to his studies in January, if allowed to.

He apologised to the varsity's disciplinary board for affecting the school's reputation as a result of what he did.

The media were not allowed to observe the NUS disciplinary proceedings. The board conducting the proceedings was made up of five members - three of them senior academics and two student leaders.

Mr Tan said: "I'm not sure what sort of action they would mete out. I really have no idea. There was not a single bit of the discussion that was directed towards that. I felt it was more like an interview to just get to know me as a person, and then later on to focus on the issue."

Mr Tan said he would no longer be posting anymore explicit videos or pictures online.

- CNA/de

- wong chee tat :)

ASEAN scholar, blog, National University of Singapore, NUS, public universities, uni, University

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