Monday, December 28, 2009

Old Computer and Memories

The two pictures shown are actually the old motherboard with working Pentium 233MHz processor with 32Mb of ram. The heat sink is somewhere. I bought this in somewhere around late 1990s if I remembered the date correctly.

This old computer ran on the following Windows OSes: Windows 95,Win 98,Win Me and even Win 2000! It served as a testing platform for many applications. I remembered I used it to program C/C++, and other programming languages, including Matlab!

Ah, taking about Matlab. Yes, I remembered that I used Matlab to run and processed Imaging Processing stuff. Of course, the old computer ran very slowly to produce any significant results.

I even tested with Win 200 Advanced Server and it worked though it ran very slowly because of only 32Mb of memory.

Initially, I wanted this computer to be a simple file and print server, but the old and steady S3 Virge 2Mb graphics card died some time ago and I can't find any spares available and had to put it offline.

- wong chee tat :)

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