It has come to my notice that someone / somebody is having the same name as mine and whoever he or she is writing some form of story and the online account is created in 09th May 2009.
Hi, to the author of the above blog post, I just want to say thank you for time and your utmost effort writing such wonderful fantasy story.
By the way, a Buddhist friend told me that it is not appropriate to commit such sexual acts within the religious ground. Basically , you have created a sexual misconduct and some bad karma. Goodbye and take care!
Interestingly, reading from The Sutra of Forty-Two Sections:
Section 4: Clarifying Good and Evil
The Buddha said, "Living beings may perform Ten Good Deeds or Ten Evil Deeds. What are the ten? Three are done with the body, four are done with the mouth, and three are done with the mind. The three done with the body are killing, stealing, and lust. The four done with the mouth are duplicity, harsh speech, lies, and frivolous speech. The three done with the mind are jealousy, hatred, and stupidity. Thus these ten are not in accord with the Way of Sages and are called the Ten Evil Deeds. To put a stop to these evils is to perform the Ten Good Deeds. "
Section 5: Reducing the Severity of Offenses
The Buddha said, "If a person has many offenses and does not repent of them, but cuts off all thought of repentance, the offenses will engulf him, just as water returning to the sea will gradually become deeper and wider. If a person has offenses and, realizing they are wrong, reforms and does good, the offenses will dissolve by themselves, just as a sick person who begins to perspire will gradually be cured. "
Section 6: Tolerating Evil-doers and Avoiding Hatred
The Buddha said, "When an evil person hears about your goodness and intentionally comes to cause trouble, you should restrain yourself and not become angry or blame him. Then the one who has come to do evil will do evil to himself. "
Section 7: Evil Returns to the Doer
The Buddha said, "There was a person who, upon hearing that I observe the Way and practice great humane kindness, intentionally came to berate me. I was silent and did not reply. When he finished abusing me, I asked, 'If you are courteous to people and they do not accept your courtesy, the courtesy returns to you, does it not? '
"It does, 'he replied. I said, ow you are scolding me, but I do not receive it, so the misfortune returns to you and must remain with you. It is as inevitable as an echo that follows a sound, or as a shadow that follows a form. In the end you cannot avoid it. Therefore, be careful not to do evil. '"
- wong chee tat :)
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