Sunday, April 19, 2009

Ubuntu 9.04 Release

If you are a Ubuntu fan, I'm sure you heard about the latest version of Ubuntu. Ubuntu 9.04. The final release will be out sometime next week.

Since I am still having exams, I am unable to download and test and comment on it. I will test it out once my exams are over. I won't write much as I needed time to study.

Ars Technica reported on Ubuntu 9.04 and new features.

Lifehacker Kevin reported that it took 24.9 seconds from choosing his OS to boot in Grub to a login window, and about 19 seconds more to get to a fully-loaded desktop (about 43 total).

Matt from his blog, it took about 17.5s to boot and load 9.04 using SSD! You can also see the video below:

Matt, I think it is possible to shave even more time off.

You can download from here:

- wong chee tat :)

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