Friday, July 31, 2009
Genesis 6
The Flood
1 When men began to increase in number on the earth and daughters were born to them, 2 the sons of God saw that the daughters of men were beautiful, and they married any of them they chose. 3 Then the LORD said, "My Spirit will not contend with [a] man forever, for he is mortal [b] ; his days will be a hundred and twenty years."
4 The Nephilim were on the earth in those days—and also afterward—when the sons of God went to the daughters of men and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, men of renown.
5 The LORD saw how great man's wickedness on the earth had become, and that every inclination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil all the time. 6 The LORD was grieved that he had made man on the earth, and his heart was filled with pain. 7 So the LORD said, "I will wipe mankind, whom I have created, from the face of the earth—men and animals, and creatures that move along the ground, and birds of the air—for I am grieved that I have made them." 8
- wong chee tat :)
Thursday, July 30, 2009
1 Thus the heavens and the earth were completed in all their vast array.
2 By the seventh day God had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he rested [a] from all his work. 3 And God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it he rested from all the work of creating that he had done.
Adam and Eve
4 This is the account of the heavens and the earth when they were created.
When the LORD God made the earth and the heavens- 5 and no shrub of the field had yet appeared on the earth [b] and no plant of the field had yet sprung up, for the LORD God had not sent rain on the earth [c] and there was no man to work the ground, 6 but streams [d] came up from the earth and watered the whole surface of the ground- the LORD God formed the man The Hebrew for man (adam) sounds like and may be related to the Hebrew for ground (adamah) it is also the name Adam (see Gen. 2:20). from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being.
8 Now the LORD God had planted a garden in the east, in Eden; and there he put the man he had formed. 9 And the LORD God made all kinds of trees grow out of the ground—trees that were pleasing to the eye and good for food. In the middle of the garden were the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
10 A river watering the garden flowed from Eden; from there it was separated into four headwaters. 11 The name of the first is the Pishon; it winds through the entire land of Havilah, where there is gold. 12 (The gold of that land is good; aromatic resin [e] and onyx are also there.) 13 The name of the second river is the Gihon; it winds through the entire land of Cush. [f] 14 The name of the third river is the Tigris; it runs along the east side of Asshur. And the fourth river is the Euphrates.
15 The LORD God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it. 16 And the LORD God commanded the man, "You are free to eat from any tree in the garden; 17 but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat of it you will surely die."
18 The LORD God said, "It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him."
19 Now the LORD God had formed out of the ground all the beasts of the field and all the birds of the air. He brought them to the man to see what he would name them; and whatever the man called each living creature, that was its name. 20 So the man gave names to all the livestock, the birds of the air and all the beasts of the field.
But for Adam [g] no suitable helper was found. 21 So the LORD God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep; and while he was sleeping, he took one of the man's ribs [h] and closed up the place with flesh. 22 Then the LORD God made a woman from the rib [i] he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man.
23 The man said,
"This is now bone of my bones
and flesh of my flesh;
she shall be called 'woman, [j] '
for she was taken out of man."
24 For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh.
25 The man and his wife were both naked, and they felt no shame.
- wong chee tat :)
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Remote root vulnerability in DD-WRT's httpd server
The problem is due to many bugs and bad software design decisions. Here is part of httpd.c:
859 if (containsstring(file, "cgi-bin")) {
861 auth_fail = 0;
862 if (!do_auth
863 (conn_fp, auth_userid, auth_passwd, auth_realm,
864 authorization, auth_check))
865 auth_fail = 1;
......... (snip)............
900 }
901 exec = fopen("/tmp/exec.tmp", "wb");
902 fprintf(exec, "export REQUEST_METHOD=\"%s\"\n", method);
903 if (query)
904 fprintf(exec, "/bin/sh %s/%s/tmp/shellout.asp");
........... (snip)..........
926 if (auth_fail == 1) {
927 send_authenticate(auth_realm);
928 auth_fail = 0;
3) issue 3: httpd runs as root :)
Now let's sum up (1), (2) and (3). Any unauthenticated attacker that can connect to the management web interface can get easily root on the device via his browser with an URL like:
There is a catch though: whitespaces break it. Anyway, they can be easily replaced with shell variable like $IFS. So, getting root shell at 5555/tcp becomes as easy as typing this in your browser's url bar:
Voila (pretty old-school, eheh). Here is some (poor) video demonstrating the problem:
Fortunately, httpd by default does not listen on the outbound interface. However, this vulnerability can be exploited via a CSRF attack (the dd-wrt device's owner does not even need to have an authenticated session on the web UI which is bad, bad). However, a base authentication dialog will appear. In IE even this can be supressed, see this one:
Unlike the already documented CSRF vulnerability ( ) this DOES NOT need an authenticated
session. This means someone can even post some crafted [img] link on a forum and a dd-wrt router owner visiting the forum will get owned :)
A weird vulnerability you're unlikely to see in 2009 :) Quite embarrassing I would say :)
Thanks krassyo at for his support :)
Leka vecher :)
# [2009-07-20]
The bug can be used for execution of an exploit to gain control over the router running dd-wrt. Details here.
- wong chee tat :)
Translated by Upasaka Chu Chan (John Blofeld)
Key'ed in from hardcopy by TY with permission from publisher
(Yan Boon Remembrance Commitee in Hong Kong)
Note: [] indicates comments by TY
Jointly translated in the Later Han Dynasty by the monks
Kasyapa Matanga and Gobharana from Central India.
When the World Honored had become Enlightened, he
reflected thus: "To abandon desire and rest in perfect
quietude is the greatest of victories. To remain in a
state of complete abstraction is to overcome the ways
of all the evil ones." In the Royal Deer Park, he
expounded the Doctrine of the Four Noble Truths, converting
Kaundinya and four others, and thus manifesting the fruit
of the Way. There were frequently monks who voiced their
doubts and asked the Buddha to resolve them, so the World
Honored taught and commanded them, until, one by one, they
became Enlightened and, bringing their hands together in
respectful agreement, prepared to follow the sacred commands.
1. The Buddha said: "Those who, taking leave of their
families and adopting the homeless life, know the nature
of their minds and reach to what is fundamental, thus
breaking away (from the phenomenal and attaining to)
the unphenomenal, are called Sramanas. They constantly
observe the two hundred and fifty precepts, entering into
and abiding in perfect quietude. By working their way
through the four stages of progress, they become Arhans, who
possess the powers of levitation and transformation, as
well as the ability to prolong their lives for many aeons
and to reside or move about anywhere in heaven or earth.
Below them come the Anagamins, who at the end of a long life,
ascend in spirit to the nineteen heavens and become Arhats.
Then come the Sakridagamins who must ascend one step and be
reborn once more before becoming Arhans. There are also the
Srota-apanas who cannot become Arhans until they have passed
through nine more rounds of birth and death [original Chinese
text states seven, not nine]. One who has put an end to his
longings and desires is like a man who, having no further
use for his limbs (literal: having cut off his limbs), never
uses them again."
2. The Sramana who, having left home, puts an end to his desires
and drives away his longings, knowing the source of his own mind,
penetrates to the profound principles of Buddhahood. He awakes
to the non-phenomenal, clinging to nothing within and seeking
for nothing from without. His mind is not shackled with dogmas,
nor is he enmeshed by karma. Pondering nothing and doing nothing,
practising nothing and manifesting nothing, without passing through
all the successive stages, he (nevertheless) reaches the loftiest
of all. This is what is meant by "The Way".
3. The Buddha said: "He who has shorn his locks and beard to
become a Sramana and has accepted the Doctrine of the Way,
abandons everything of worldly value and is satisfied by the
food he obtained by begging, eating but once a day. If there
is a tree under which to rest, he desires nothing else.
Longings and desires are what make men stupid and darken their
4. The Buddha said: "There are ten things by which beings do
good and ten by which they do evil. What are they? Three are
performed with the body, four with the mouth, and three with the
mind. The (evils) performed with the body are killing, stealing
and unchaste deeds; those with the mouth are duplicity,
slandering, lying, and idle talk; those with the mind are
covetousness, anger, and foolishness. These ten are not in
keeping with the holy Way and are called the ten evil practices.
Putting a stop to all of them is called performing the ten
virtuous practices."
5. The Buddha said: "If a man has all kinds of faults and does
not regret them, in the space of a single heartbeat retribution
will suddenly fall upon him and, as water returning to the sea,
will gradually become deeper and wider. (But), if a man has
faults and, becoming aware of them, changes for the better,
retribution will melt away into nothingness of its own accord,
as the danger of a fever gradually abates once perspiration
has set in.
6. The Buddha said: "If an evil man, on hearing of what is good,
comes and creates a disturbance, you should hold your peace.
You must not angrily unbraid him; then he who has come to curse
you will merely harm himself."
7. The Buddha said: "There was one who heard that I uphold the
Way and practise great benevolence and compassion. On this account,
he came to sold me, but I remained silent and did not retort.
When he had finished scolding me, I said: "Sir, if you treat
another with courtesy and he does not accept it, does not the
courtesy and he does not accept it, does not the courtesy rebound
to you?" He replied that it does and I continued: 'Now you have
just cursed me and I did not accept your curses, so the evil
which you yourself did has now returned and fallen upon you.
For a sound accords with the noise that produced it and the
reflection accords with the form. In the end there will be no
escape, so take care lest you do what is evil."
8. The Buddha said: "An evil man may wish to injure the
Virtuous Ones and, raising his head, spit towards heaven, but
the spittle, far from reaching heaven, will return and descend
upon himself. An unruly wind may raise the dust, but the
dust does not go elsewhere; it remains to contaminate the
wind. Virtue cannot be destroyed, while evil inevitably
destroys itself."
9. The Buddha said: "Listen avidly to and cherish the Way. The
Way will certainly be hard to reach. Maintain your desire to
accept it humbly, for the Way is mighty indeed."
10. The Buddha said: "Observe those who bestow (knowledge of)
the Way. To help them is a great joy and many blessings can
thus be obtained." A Sramana asked: "Is there any limit to such
blessings?" The Buddha replied: "They are like the fire of a
torch from which hundreds and thousands of people light their
own torches. The (resulting) light eats up the darkness and that
torch is the origin of it all. Such is the nature of those
11. The Buddha said: "To bestow food on a hundred bad men is not
equal to bestowing food on one good one. Bestowing food on a
thousand good men is not equal to bestowing food on one who
observes the five precepts. Bestowing food on ten thousand who
observe the five precepts is not equal to bestowing food on
one Srota-apana. Bestowing food on a million Srota-apanas is not
equal to bestowing food on one Sakrdagamin. Bestowing food on
ten million Sakrdagamins is not equal to bestowing food on one
Anagamin. Bestowing food on a hundred million Anagamins is not
equal to bestowing food on one Arhan. Bestowing food on a
thousand million Arhans is not equal to bestowing food on one
Pratyeka Buddha. Bestowing food on ten thousand million
Pratyeka Buddhas is not equal to bestowing food on one of the
Buddhas of the Triple World. Bestowing food on a hundred
thousand million Buddhas of the Triple World is not equal to
bestowing food on one who ponders nothing, does nothing,
practices nothing, and manifest nothing."
12. The Buddha said: "There are twenty things which are hard for
human beings:
"It is hard to practice charity when one is poor.
"It is hard to study the Way when occupying a position of great
"It is hard to surrender life at the approach of inevitable death.
"It is hard to get an opportunity of reading the sutras
"It is hard to be born directly into Buddhist surroundings
"It is hard to bear lust and desire (without yielding to them).
"It is hard to see something attractive without desiring it.
"It is hard to hard to bear insult without making an angry reply.
"It is hard to have power and not to pay regard to it.
"It is hard to come into contact with things and yet remain
unaffected by them
"It is hard to study widely and investigate everything thoroughly.
"It is hard to overcome selfishness and sloth.
"It is hard to avoid making light of not having studied (the Way)
"It is hard to keep the mind evenly balanced.
"It is hard to refrain from defining things as being something or
not being something.
"It is hard to come into contact with clear perception (of the Way).
"It is hard to perceive one's own nature and (through such perception)
to study the Way.
"It is hard to help others towards Enlightenment according to their
various deeds.
"It is hard to see the end (of the Way) without being moved.
"It is hard to discard successfully (the shackles that bind us to
the wheel of life and death) as opportunities present themselves.
13. A Sramana asked the Buddha: "By what method can we attain the knowledge
of how to put a stop to life (in the phenomental sphere) and come
in contact with the Way?" The Buddha answered: "By purifying the mind
preserving the will (to struggle onwards) you can come in contact
with the Way just as, when a mirror is wiped, the dust falls off and
the brightness remains. By eliminating desires and seeking for nothing
(else) you should be able to put a stop to life (in the phenomenal
14. A Sramana asked the Buddha: "What is goodness and what is
greatness?" The Buddha replied: "To follow the Way and hold to what
is true is good. When the will is in conformity with the Way, that
is greatness."
15. A Sramana asked the Buddha: "What is great power and what is
the acme of brilliance?" The Buddha answered: "To be able to bear
insult (without retort) implies great power. He that does not cherish
cause for resentment, but remains calm and firm equally (under all
circumstances), and who bears all things without indulging in abuse
will certainly be honored by men. The acme of brilliance is reached
when the mind is utterly purged of impurities and nothing false or
foul remains (to besmirch) its purity. When there is nothing, from
before the formation of heaven and earth until now or in any of the
ten quarters of the universe which you have not seen, heard and
understood; when you have attained to a knowledge of everything, that
may be called brilliance."
16. Men who cherish longings and desires are those who have not
perceived the Way. Just as, if clear water be stirred up with the
hand, none of those looking into it will perceive their reflections,
so men, in whose minds filth has been stirred up by longings and
desires will not perceive the Way. You Sramanas must abandon
longings and desires. When the filth of longing and desires has
been entirely cleared away, then only will you be able to perceive
the Way."
17. The Buddha said: "With those who have perceived the Way, it is
thus. Just as, when one enters a dark house with a torch, the
darkness is dissipated and only light remains, so, by studing the
Way and perceiving the truth, ignorance is dissipated and insight
remains forever."
18. The Buddha said: "My Doctrine implies thinking of that which
is beyond thought, performing that which is beyond performance,
speaking of that which is beyond words and practising that which
is beyond practice. Those who can come up to this, progress, while
the stupid regress. The way which can be express in words stops
short; there is nothing which can be grasped. If you are wrong by
so much as the thousandth part of a hair, you will lose (the Way)
in a flash."
19. The Buddha said: "Regard heaven and earth and consider their
impermanence. Regard the world and consider its impermanence.
Regard the spiritual awakening as Bodhi. This sort of knowledge
leads to speedy Enlightenment."
20. The Buddha said: "You should ponder on the fact that, though
each of the four elements of which the body is made up has a name,
none of them (constitute any part of) the real self. In fact, the
self is non-existant, like a mirage."
21. The Buddha said: "There are people who, following the dictates of
their feelings and desires, seek to make a name or themselves, but,
by the time that name resounds, they are already dead. Those who
hunger for a name that shall long be remembered in the world and who
do not study the Way strive vainly and struggle for empty forms.
Just as burning incese, though others perceive its pleasant smell,
is itself being burnt up, so (desires) bring the danger of fire which
can burn up your bodies in their train.
22. The Buddha said: "Wealth and beauty, to a man who will not relinquish
them, are like a knife covered with honey which, even before he has
had the pleasure of eating the honey, cuts the tongue of the child that
licks it."
23. The Buddha said: "People who are tied to their wives, children, and
homes are worse off than prisoners. A prisoner will be released sooner
or later, but wives and children have no thought of betaking themselves
off. Why fear to rid yourselves immediately of the longing for
physical beauty? (Otherwise,) you are tamely submitting to the jaws
of a tiger and deliberately allowing yourselves to drown in the
quicksand into which you have fallen, thus meriting the name of 'simple
fellows'. If you can reach the point (of abandoning such things), you
will rise from the dust and become Arhans.
24. The Buddha said: "Of all longings and desires, there is none stronger
than sex. Sex as a desire has no equal. Rely on the (universal) Oneness.
No one under heaven is able to become a follower of the Way if he accepts
25. The Buddha said: "Those who (permit themselves) longings and desires
are like a man who walks in the teeth of the wind carrying a torch.
Inevitably, his hands will be burnt.
26. The gods bestowed the jade girl upon me, hoping to shake my
determination. I said, 'O skin bag, full of every kind of filth!
For what have you come here? Go! I do not need you.' Then the gods
payed me profound reverence and, as they asked me to expound the Way,
I enlightened them and they became Srota-apanas as a result."
27. The Buddha said: "Those who follow the Way are like a piece of
wood in the water, which floats along, touching neither bank, and
which is neither picked up by men, intercepted by the gods, hindered
by floating scum, nor rots upon the way. I am prepared to undertake
that such a piece of wood will certainly reach the sea. If those
who study the Way are not misled by their feelings and desires, not
disburbed by any sort of depravity, and, if they earnestly advance
towards the unphenomenal, I am prepared to undertake that they will
certainly attain to the Way."
28. The Buddha said: "Be careful not to depend on your own intelligence--
it is not to be trusted. Take care not to come in contact with physical
attractions-- such contacts result in calamities. Only when you have
reached the stage of Arhan can you depend on your own intelligence."
29. The Buddha said: "Take care to avoid looking on the beauty of women and
do not converse with them. If you do (have occasion to) converse with
them, control the thoughts which run through your minds. When I was a
Sramana and came in contact with the impure world, I was like the lotus
which remains unsullied by the mud (from which it grows). Think of old
women as of you mothers, of those older than yourselves as of your elder
sisters, of those younger than yourselves as of your younger sisters, and
of very young ones as your daughters. Dwell on thoughts of Enlightenment
and banish all evil ones."
30. The Buddha said: "Those who follow the Way are like straw which must
be perserved from fire. A follower of the Way who experience desire must
put a distance between himself and (object of his) desire."
31. The Buddha said: "There was one who indulged his sexual passions
unceasingly but who wished, of his own accord, to put an end to his evil
actions, I said to him: "To put a stop to these evil actions will not be
so good as to put a stop to (the root of the evil) in your mind. The
mind is like Kung Ts'ao. If Kung Ts'ao desists, his followers will stop
also. If mental depravities continues, what is the use of putting an
end to evil actions?' I then repeated this verse for him: 'Desire
springs from your thoughts. Thought springs from discernment (of matter).
When the two minds are both stilled, there is neither form nor action.'
I added that this verse was first spoken by Kasyapa Buddha".
32. The Buddha said: "The sorrows of men comes from their longings and
desires. Fear comes from these sorrows. If freedom from desire is
attained, what (cause for) grief and fear will remain?
33. The Buddha said: "Those who follow the Way are like one who has to
fight ten thousand and who, putting on his armor, steps out of the gate.
His toughts may be timorous and his resolution weak, or he may (even) get
halfway to the battle-ground and then turn around and flee. Again, he
may join battle and be slain. On the other hand, he may gain the victory
and return. The Sramana who studies the Way must have a resolute mind
and zealously build up his courage, fearing nothing that lies before him
and destroying all demons (of temptation that stand in his way), that he
may obtain the fruit (of diligently studing) the Way."
34. One night, a Sramana was intoning "The Sutra of Teachings Bequeathed
by Kasyapa Buddha." The sound of his voice was mournful, for he though
repentantly of his back-slidings, born of desire. The Buddha asked him:
"What did you do before you became a monk?" "I used to like playing the
lute," he replied. "What happened," said the Buddha, "when you loosened
the strings?" "They made no sound." "And when you pulled them taut?"
"The sounds were brief." "And how was it when they were neither taut
nor loose?" "Then all the sounds were normal" replied the Sraman. To this
the Buddha said, "It is the same with a Sraman studing the Way. If his
mind is properly adjusted, he can attain to it, but if he forces himself
towards it, his mind will become weary and, on account of the weariness
of his mind, his thoughts will become irritable. With such irritable
thoughts, his actions will retrogress and, with such retrogression, evil
will enter his mind. But if he studies quietly and happily, he will not
lose the Way."
35. The Buddha said: "If a man smelts iron until all impurities have been
eliminated (before proceeding to) make implements with it, the implements
will be of fine quality. If one who studies the Way first purges his heart
of all foul influences, his actions will then become pure."
36. The Buddha said:
"It is hard for one to leave the grosser forms of incarnation and be born
a human being.
"It is hard for such a one to escape being a woman and be born a man.
"It is hard for such a one to be born with all his organs in perfect
"It is hard for such a one to be born in China.
"It is hard for such a one to be born directly into Buddhist surroundings.
"It is hard for such a one to come in contact with the Way.
"It is hard for such a one to cultivate faith in his mind.
"It is hard for such a one to attain to the Bodhi-heart.
"it is hard for such a one to attain to (the state where) nothing is
practised and nothing manifested."
37. The Buddha said: "A desciple living thousands of miles away from me
will, if he constantly cherishes and ponders on my precepts, attain the
fruit (of studying) the Way: but one who is in immediate contact with me,
though he sees me constantly, will ultimately fail to do so if he does not
follow my precepts."
38. The Buddha said to a Sramana: "How long is the span of a man's life?"
"It is but a few days," was the answer. The Buddha said: "You have not
understood," and asked another Sramana, who replied: "It is (like) the time
taken to eat(a single meal.") To this the Buddha replied in the same way
and asked a third: "How long is the span of a man's life?" "It is (like)
the time taken by (single) breath," was the reply. "Excellent," said the
Buddha, "You understand the Way."
39. The Buddha said: "Those who study the Way of the Buddha should believe
and follow all that is said by the Buddha. Just as, when you eat honey
(you find that), every drop of it sweet, so it is with my words."
40. The Buddha said: "A Sramana studying the Way should not be as an ox
turning the millstone which though it performs the necessary actions with
its body, does not concentrate on them with its mind. If the Way is followed
in the mind, of what use are actions?"
41. The Buddha said: "Those who follow the Way are like an ox bearing a
heavy load and walking through deep mud. It feels so weary that it does
not dare to look to left or right and, only on emerging from the mud, can it
revive itself by resting. A Sramana should regard feelings and desires
more seriously than (the ox regards) the mud. Only by controlling his
mind and thinking of the Way can he avoid sorrow."
42. The Buddha said: "I look upon the state of kings and princes as upon
the dust which blows through a crack. I look upon ornaments of gold and
jewels as upon rubble. I look upon garments of finest silk as upon worn-
out rags. I look upon a major chiliocosm as upon a small nut. I look upon
the Anavatapta as upon oil for smearing the feet. (On the other hand), I
look upon expedient methods (leading to the truth) as upon spending heaps of
jewels. I look upon the supreme vehicle as upon a dream of abundant wealth.
I look upon the Buddha's Way as upon all the splendors which confront the
eye. I look upon dhyana meditation as upon the pillar of Mount Sumeru. I
look upon Nirvana as upon waking at daybreak from a night's sleep. I look
upon heresy erected as upon six dragons dancing. I look upon the universal,
impartial attitude (of a Buddha) as upon the Absolute Reality. I look upon
conversion (to the Way) as upon the changes undergone by a tree (due to the
action of the) four seasons."
- wong chee tat :)
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Good Deeds
- wong chee tat :)
Monday, July 27, 2009
Where is Singapore?
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Windows Server 2008 R2 RTM’s

Windows Server 2008 R2 RTM’s
- wong chee tat :)
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Microsoft says Windows 7 is ready for PC companies
July 22nd, 2009 By JESSICA MINTZ , AP Technology Writer
(AP) -- Microsoft Corp. says Windows 7 is complete.
The software maker sent the final code for its next computer operating system to manufacturers Wednesday, and said it's still on track for an Oct. 22 launch.
Mike Angiulo, a general manager in the Windows group, said in an interview that getting up and running on a Windows computer will be "a lot smoother" than it was when Windows Vista launched in 2007.
At the time, Microsoft boasted about the number of programs and devices that would work with Vista, but many PC users found their existing software, printers, scanners, cameras and other hardware didn't function after the switch.
Microsoft said one reason Windows 7 should be an easier launch is that at its core, the new version is a lot like Vista. If a company updated a product to work with Vista in the last few years, it should also work with Windows 7.
Windows 7 has also progressed in an orderly way, which means outside companies have had more time to make sure their products will work. Vista was plagued by changes to Microsoft's plans, leaving partner companies scrambling to keep up.
The new operating system will launch into a much tougher climate than Vista did. PC shipments are expected to fall this year for the first time since 2001, as the economic crisis has forced businesses to slash technology spending. Microsoft built in a way for companies to run older, Windows XP programs in Windows 7, in an attempt to avoid losing those corporate customers that skipped Vista altogether because critical software wasn't compatible.
Companies that have long-term agreements to buy Microsoft software in bulk will be able to download and start installing Windows 7 in a few weeks, Microsoft said.
Then starting Oct. 22, Windows 7 will come on new PCs, and will be available for people to buy separately and install on their existing machines.
©2009 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.- wong chee tat :)
Singapore presents air, weather monitoring stations to Jambi
By Hasnita Majid, Channel NewsAsia
SINGAPORE: Indonesia's Jambi Province will now be able to accurately measure air quality in the area and predict if a forest fire is likely to happen.
Three air and weather monitoring stations were installed by Singapore's National Environment Agency (NEA) in various parts of the province – in Sengeti, Desa Arang-arang and Kota Jambi.
Sengeti has an Air and Weather Monitoring Station, Kota Jambi has an Air Quality Station, while Desa Arang-Arang has a Weather Station.
Singapore's Environment and Water Resources Minister Yaacob Ibrahim officially handed over the monitoring stations to the Jambi Provincial Government on Friday morning.
The Air Quality Station measures air pollutants and will indicate whether the air quality is in the good, moderate, unhealthy, very unhealthy or hazardous range.
The weather monitoring equipment measures wind speed and direction, rainfall, temperature, humidity and radiation.
Data obtained will be used to compute the Fire Danger Rating Index, which serves to indicate the likelihood and spread of fires. This data is accessible to the Jambi Provincial authorities and the National Environment Agency in Singapore.
Developing the Fire Danger Rating Index is part of a 7-Action Programme under an Indonesia-Singapore collaboration on Jambi Province to prevent and curb land and forest fires.
Singapore has set aside S$1 million to implement the programmes, which include training Indonesian officers in reading and interpreting satellite pictures for detecting hotspots and organising workshops on Zero-Burning Practices.
The three stations cost S$400,000 to set up and will cost another S$200,000 to maintain over the next two years.
"The most important measure for us is the realisation that we have been able to deliver the air and monitoring stations... Through this collaboration, we have scaled up the capability of the Jambi officials to be able to detect and monitor.
"They can use those tools to plan ahead in terms of dealing with the fire-prone areas within this district," said Dr Yaacob.
Indonesia's State Minister for Environment, Rachmat Witoelar, said: "We have lessons learnt from here. In particular, what is highly valued by Dr Yaacob and myself is the commitment by the locals and the government. They are in a position to make a difference in this aspect."
With the dry season expected to be worsened by El Nino this year, Jambi authorities said with accurate information on forest fire risk, they can now send out an alert, advising the public not to discard their cigarette butts carelessly or start an open fire, which may set off an inferno.
- CNA/yb/so
- wong chee tat :)
Weather Outlook: 16 - 31 July 2009
During the first two weeks of July 2009, about three quarters of Singapore experienced above average rainfall. The highest rainfall of 130 mm to 150 mm (80% to 105% above average) fell over the City and Kallang areas. Rainfall was lowest over the Choa Chu Kang and Bukit Panjang areas where 40 mm to 60 mm (20% to 45% below average) of rain was recorded.
Weather Outlook: 16 - 31 July 2009
- For the next fortnight, the region should continue to experience Southwest Monsoon conditions. The low-level winds over Singapore are expected to blow predominantly from the southeast or southwest.
- During the fortnight, showers with thunder are expected on 4 to 5 days between the morning and early afternoon. In addition, showers with thunder accompanied with occasional gusty winds due to “Sumatra” squalls are likely on 2 to 3 days in the pre-dawn and early morning.
- As periods of consecutive dry days are common in the region during the Southwest Monsoon season, Singapore could experience slightly hazy conditions on a few days. Rainfall for July 2009 is likely to be above average for most parts of Singapore.
Note: I can't access the information last few days, maybe they have change the links or migrate their servers.
- wong chee tat :)
Friday, July 24, 2009
Thursday, July 23, 2009
8,000 students graduate from NTU this year

8,000 students graduate from NTU this year
By Rekha/ Jeremy Koh
SINGAPORE: This year's graduating cohort is the largest ever from the Nanyang Technological University (NTU).
The 8,000 students include those from the pioneer cohort of the School of Art, Design and Media, the School of Humanities and Social Sciences, and the School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences.
Singapore's President, SR Nathan, who is also the chancellor of NTU, attended the convocation ceremony on Thursday.
NTU's president, Su Guaning, said the university will be addressing the future challenges that it will be facing at an upcoming workshop.
His comments followed Education Minister Ng Eng Hen's recent observation that NTU should seek to distinguish itself in some fields, to be among the world's best universities.
- CNA/y
- wong chee tat :)
2 more deaths bring H1N1-related fatalities in S'pore to 3
Posted: 22 July 2009
SINGAPORE: Two patients died on Wednesday, bringing the total number of H1N1-related deaths in Singapore to three.
The Ministry of Health (MOH) said a 13-year-old boy, who was admitted to National University Hospital's Paediatric ICU on Sunday, died on Wednesday morning. He had epilepsy and the cause of death was due to prolonged seizures, with H1N1 as a contributing factor.
The second H1N1-related death on Wednesday was a 55-year-old man. He was admitted to Changi General Hospital's ICU last Saturday. The MOH said the cause of his death was severe pneumonia with advanced motor neuron disease and underlying H1N1.
Singapore's first H1N1-related death was a 49-year-old man with severe heart disease and multiple health problems. He died from a heart attack with H1N1 infection on July 18.
Meanwhile, one more H1N1 patient was admitted into ICU on Wednesday. She is a 42-year-old foreigner with a history of hypertension and who is overweight.
She sought treatment at Tan Tock Seng Hospital's Emergency Department, after suffering three days of shortness of breath. She was found to have low oxygen saturation and low blood pressure.
The MOH has been reminding people in the high-risk groups who develop flu-like symptoms to seek medical treatment early.
Elsewhere, a 42-year-old woman with hypertension and thyroid disease - who was admitted to Changi General Hospital's ICU on July 18 - remains in critical condition.
A 46-year-old foreigner with hypertension and kidney disease on dialysis, who was admitted to Mount Elizabeth's ICU on July 20, is in stable condition.
Also in stable condition is a 51-year-old woman with asthma. She was admitted to Tan Tock Seng Hospital's ICU on July 20.
Of the three patients in Singapore General Hospital's ICU, one has been transferred to the general ward. The other two who are still in the ICU are in stable condition.
Health Minister Khaw Boon Wan had said more people in Singapore were expected to be infected with H1N1 as the transmission peaks within the next one to two weeks.
Recent data showed that more than half of all flu cases in Singapore were H1N1 positive.
- CNA/ir
- wong chee tat :)
370 solar eclipse enthusiasts in Singapore stay indoors due to rain
By Jessica Yeo, Channel NewsAsia
SINGAPORE : 370 Singaporeans gathered at the Singapore Science Centre to catch the solar eclipse on Wednesday morning, but they ended up staying indoors because of the rain which resulted in poor visibility.
10 per cent of the eclipse could have been seen in Singapore between 8:41am and 9:43am, with its optimum position at 9:11am.
The next eclipse is expected on 15 January 2010, and Singaporeans will be able to catch 30 per cent of it.
But Singapore will have to wait until 2019 for the annular eclipse if residents want to see the moon's shadow totally cast on the sun.
"The eclipse is caused by the moon casting a shadow on the Earth and this time round, the path of the shadow passes through the densely populated areas in China. Singapore happens to be literally at the fringe of the activity," said Dr Chew Tuan Chiong, CEO of Singapore Science Centre.
- CNA /ls
- wong chee tat :)
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Solar eclipse 2009: Totality crosses eastern Asia

Unfortunately, it is raining quite heavily from 8 am till 9 plus in Singapore today. So it is not possible to view the eclipse.
- wong chee tat :)
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Singapore to experience minimal effects of upcoming solar eclipse
S’pore to experience minimal effects of the upcoming eclipse
SINGAPORE: Come Wednesday, China, India and Japan will be seeing its longest total solar eclipse in almost 500 years.
But Singapore will have to wait a little longer to experience the full eclipse.
Scientists said Singapore will only experience a partial solar eclipse between 8.40am and 9.40am.
They added that unlike other countries there will be minimal changes to temperature and visibility.
The Singapore Science Centre will be providing special equipment for members of the public to view the eclipse.
It will also have talks about the astronomical phenomenon.
- CNA/vm
- wong chee tat :)
July eclipse is best chance to look for gravity anomaly
18:00 19 July 2009 by Phil McKenna
From remote observatories on the Tibetan plateau to a cave in a Shanghai suburb, Chinese researchers are poised to conduct an audacious once-in-a-century experiment. The plan is to test a controversial theory: the possibility that gravity drops slightly during a total eclipse.
Geophysicists from the Chinese Academy of Sciences are preparing an unprecedented array of highly sensitive instruments at six sites across the country to take gravity readings during the total eclipse due to pass over southern China on 22 July. The results, which will be analysed in the coming months, could confirm once and for all that anomalous fluctuations observed during past eclipses are real.
"It sounds like what is really necessary to break the uncertainty," says Chris Duif of Delft University of Technology in The Netherlands. "I'm not really convinced the anomaly exists, but it would be revolutionary if it turned out to be true," he says.
Pendulum anomaly
The first sign that gravity fluctuates during an eclipse was in 1954. French economist and physicist Maurice Allais noticed erratic behaviour in a swinging pendulum when an eclipse passed over Paris.
Pendulums typically swing back and forth as a result of gravity and the rotation of the Earth. At the start of the eclipse, however, the pendulum's swing direction shifted violently (see diagram), suggesting a sudden change in gravitational pull.
Fluctuations have since been measured during around 20 total solar eclipses, but the results still remain inconclusive.
Relative doubt
Most physicists doubt the anomaly's existence, because it would challenge our ideas about how gravity works.
As a result, a number of conventional explanations have been suggested. "There could be different reasons: atmospheric changes in temperature or air pressure, people suddenly moving or not moving, or other sudden changes," says C. S. Unnikrishnan of Tata Institute of Fundamental Research in Mumbai, India.
However, in 2004, Duif posted a theory online concluding that none of the suggested external factors could account for the magnitude and timing of observed anomalies (see
Best chance
In the run up to July's eclipse, Chinese researchers have prepared eight gravimeters and two pendulums spread across six monitoring sites. The team hopes that the vast distance between the sites (roughly 3000 kilometres (1864 miles) between the most easterly and westerly stations), as well as the number and diversity of instruments used, will eliminate the chance of instrument error or local atmospheric disturbances.
"If our equipment operates correctly, I believe we have a chance to say the anomaly is true beyond all doubt," says Tang Keyun, a geophysicist at the Chinese Academy of Sciences.
The opportunity won't come again soon. At over five minutes, the event will be the longest total solar eclipse predicted for this century. What's more, the event will occur when the sun is high in the sky; a time when, according to Tang, any potential gravitational anomaly should be greatest.
-wong chee tat :)
Solar eclipse pits superstition against science
MUMBAI (AFP) – Indian astrologers are predicting violence and turmoil across the world as a result of this week's total solar eclipse, which the superstitious and religious view as a sign of potential doom.
But astronomers, scientists and secularists are trying to play down claims of evil portent in connection with Wednesday's natural spectacle, when the moon will come between the Earth and the sun, completely obscuring the sun.
In Hindu mythology, the two demons Rahu and Ketu are said to "swallow" the sun during eclipses, snuffing out its life-giving light and causing food to become inedible and water undrinkable.
Pregnant women are advised to stay indoors to prevent their babies developing birth defects, while prayers, fasting and ritual bathing, particularly in holy rivers, are encouraged.
Shivani Sachdev Gour, a gynaecologist at the Fortis Hospital in New Delhi, said a number of expectant mothers scheduled for caesarian deliveries on July 22 had asked to change the date.
"This is a belief deeply rooted in Indian society. Couples are willing to do anything to ensure that the baby is not born on that day," Gour said.
Astrologers have predicted a rise in communal and regional violence in the days following the eclipse, particularly in India, China and other Southeast Asian nations where it can be seen on Wednesday morning.
Mumbai astrologer Raj Kumar Sharma predicted "some sort of attack by (Kashmiri separatists) Jaish-e-Mohammad or Al-Qaeda on Indian soil" and a devastating natural disaster in Southeast Asia.
An Indian political leader could be killed, he said, and tension between the West and Iran is likely to increase, escalating into possible US military action after September 9, when fiery Saturn moves from Leo into Virgo.
"The last 200 years, whenever Saturn has gone into Virgo there has been either a world war or a mini world war," he told AFP.
It is not just in India that some are uneasy about what will transpire because of the eclipse.
In ancient China they were often associated with disasters, the death of an emperor or other dark events, and similar superstitions persist.
"The probability for unrest or war to take place in years when a solar eclipse happens is 95 percent," announced an article that attracted a lot of hits on the popular Chinese web portal
Sanal Edamaruku, president of the Indian Rationalist Association, dismissed such doomsday predictions.
"Primarily, what we see with all these soothsayers and astrologers is that they're looking for opportunities to enhance their business with predictions of danger and calamity," he told AFP.
"They have been very powerful in India but over the last decade they have been in systematic decline."
Astronomers and scientists are also working to educate the public about the eclipse.
Travel firm Cox and Kings has chartered a Boeing 737-700 aircraft to give people the chance to see the eclipse from 41,000 feet (12,500 metres).
Experts will be on board to explain it to passengers, some of whom have paid 79,000 rupees (1,600 dollars) for a "sun-side" seat on the three-hour flight from New Delhi.
The eclipse's shadow is expected to pass over the aircraft at 15 times the speed of sound (Mach 15), said Ajay Talwar, president of the SPACE Group of companies that promotes science and astronomy.
"It's coming in the middle of the monsoon season. On the ground, there's a 40 percent chance of seeing it in India. On the aircraft you have almost a 90 percent chance of seeing the eclipse," he added.
Siva Prasad Tata, who runs the Astro Jyoti website, straddles the two worlds.
"There's no need to get too alarmed about the eclipse, they are a natural phenomenon," the astrologer told AFP.
But he added: "During the period of the eclipse, the opposite attracting forces are very, very powerful. From a spiritual point of view, this is a wonderful time to do any type of worship.
"It will bring about good results, much more than on an ordinary day."
What will happen tomorrow?
- wong chee tat :)
Monday, July 20, 2009
New H1N1 strain found
New H1N1 strain found
SAO PAULO - BRAZILIAN scientists have identified a new strain of the H1N1 virus after examining samples from a patient in Sao Paulo, their institute said on Tuesday.
The variant has been called A/Sao Paulo/1454/H1N1 by the Adolfo Lutz Bacteriological Institute, which compared it with samples of the A(H1N1) swine flu from California.
The genetic sequence of the new sub-type of the H1N1 virus was isolated by a virology team lead by one of its researchers, Terezinha Maria de Paiva, the institute said in a statement.
The mutation comprised of alterations in the Hemagglutinin protein which allows the virus to infect new hosts, it said.
It was not yet known whether the new strain was more aggressive than the current A(H1N1) virus which has been declared pandemic by the World Health Organization.
The genetic make-up of the H1N1 virus and its subvariants are important for scientists.
Pharmaceutical companies are working to mass produce a vaccine against the current A(H1N1) flu.
There are fears though that it could mutate into a deadly strain, much in the same way as the 1918 Spanish flu - also an A(H1N1) virus type - did when it killed tens of millions around the planet.
According to the WHO, 36,000 people in 76 countries have been infected with the H1N1 virus, causing 163 deaths.
-- AFP
- wong chee tat :)
Cisco Network Magic
Mr G. told me about this some days ago and he had installed this on his PC and even did a live demo! Went to download and test it out.
- wong chee tat :)
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Singapore confirms first H1N1—related death
Channel NewsAsia
SINGAPORE: A 49—year—old H1N1 patient, with multiple health problems, died on Saturday afternoon. The Ministry of Health (MOH) said in a statement that he died of a heart attack, contributed by severe pneumonia and H1N1 infection.
The victim, who had diabetes, hypertension and high cholesterol, was admitted to Changi General Hospital on July 16 after four days of flu—like symptoms.
MOH added that a 55—year—old man, also with multiple health problems, is the latest H1N1 patient to be admitted to intensive care.
He was tested positive for H1N1 after being admitted into Singapore General Hospital’s (SGH) intensive care unit.
He went to SGH on July 17, complaining of shortness of breath and fever, and was admitted after investigations showed that he had suffered an acute heart attack. The patient is currently in stable condition.
MOH said while the majority of H1N1 cases remains mild, the virus can cause complications and even death in high—risk individuals with underlying medical conditions.
Individuals in the high—risk group are advised to seek prompt medical attention if they suffer flu—like symptoms such as fever, cough, sore throat and runny nose.
Members of the public who develop influenza—like illness can visit their nearest Pandemic Preparedness Clinic or their GP clinics for initial assessment and treatment.
If symptoms are severe, such as breathlessness and chest pains, members of the public are advised to call 995 immediately for an emergency ambulance.
— CNA/so
Singapore’s key exports decline at a much slower pace in June
Channel NewsAsia - Saturday, July 18
SINGAPORE: Singapore’s key exports contracted for a straight 14th month in June, although the decline was at a slower pace than the month before.
Non—oil domestic exports decreased by 11 per cent, compared to the same period a year ago. When compared to the previous month, exports fell by 5.2 per cent, reversing the gain seen in May.
After a strong performance in April and May, the pharmaceuticals sector saw a pullback in June. Shipments grew by just 1.1 per cent on—year — down significantly from the more than 40 per cent jump the previous two months.
Economists said this may weigh on the months ahead.
Philip McNicholas, economist, IDEAglobal, said: "Unless it explodes again this July, that’s going to drag on the entire reading."
Meanwhile, the key electronics sector remains weak. Exports fell by 21.5 per cent from a year earlier due largely to weak shipments of semiconductors, personal computer parts and telecommunications equipment.
But there is optimism that the worst may well be over.
Leon Perera, group managing director, Spire Research and Consultancy, said: "We expect that electronics demand should pick up at the end of the third quarter or early part of fourth quarter because there is pent—up demand that is going to come into the system. There are cyclical reasons why electronics will trend upwards, but it’s still weak at the moment."
"Looking at the absolute numbers for the region, they’ve actually been pretty flat... suggesting perhaps that things have bottomed out," said Mr McNicholas.
Overall in June, shipments to all of Singapore’s top ten markets fell in May, except for Taiwan. The one bright spot is the US as exports there fell by a smaller 5.2 per cent — much better than the 35.2 per cent decline in May.
What the decline shows, analysts said, is that despite some positive numbers, there is still no clear indication of a sustained recovery. Going forward, we can expect to see fluctuations in terms of jagged trend lines over the next three to four months.
Singapore’s monthly exports numbers are closely watched because the economy is heavily dependent on trade.
— CNA/so
- wong chee tat :)
Firefox 3.5.1 Fixes Critical Security Flaw
Peter Cohen,
The Mozilla Corp. has released Firefox 3.5.1, a new version of their Web browser. The new release corrects a security problem the company acknowledged earlier this week as "critical." Firefox is available for free download from the Web site.
Firefox 3.5.1 corrects the security flaw identified in Mozilla Foundation Security Advisory 2009-41: a problem with the software's "Just-In-Time" (JIT) compiler used for JavaScript. A crash could result in an exploitable memory corruption problem that could, under certain cases, be exploited by an attacker to run arbitrary code, like malware.
Several stability improvements have also been made. Mozilla first outlined plans to release Firefox 3.5.1 earlier this month.
Firefox 3.5.1 requires Mac OS X 10.4 or later.
- wong chee tat :)
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Outright fines for commuters caught eating and drinking in MRT trains, stations
Outright fines for commuters caught eating and drinking in MRT trains, stations
By Jessica Yeo, Channel NewsAsia | Posted: 15 July 2009 2005 hrs
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SINGAPORE : It will be outright fines from now on for those caught eating and drinking in MRT trains and stations, as train operator SMRT said it will no longer issue warnings to offenders.
Over 500 station staff will issue Notification of Offence slips to commuters caught in the act. This is unlike the past practice where commuters were first warned and only fined, if they persisted in eating or drinking.
"We are trying to eradicate this (habit of) eating and drinking both in the stations and the trains. We have been doing a lot of advisories to the passengers. Obviously there's a certain limit where we can educate the passengers. Now we're going to this enforcement scheme and try to educate passengers further and to refrain from eating and drinking in the systems," said Chia Chun Wah, deputy director of Stations Operations at SMRT Trains.
Fines range from S$30 to S$500, depending on the number of times the commuter has flouted the rule.
They will have to pay the fine to the Land Transport Authority directly.
Over 590 notifications were issued in 2008, more than double the 276 issued the previous year. - CNA /ls
- wong chee tat :)
Doing good deeds
- wong chee tat :)
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
SPRING launches new scheme to boost HR practices in SMEs
By Jonathan Peeris, Channel NewsAsia
SINGAPORE: SPRING Singapore is launching a new programme to help small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) improve their human resource capabilities with the help of certified experts.
SPRING said the new programme complements the HR Capability Package that was introduced last year.
It comprises tools, templates and guidelines to help SMEs put in place sound HR systems for six key areas, including Manpower Planning, Learning & Development and Career Management.
Qualified HR consultants will be engaged to customise the six modules to the needs of the SMEs and develop relevant policies for their organisations.
The consultancy fees are capped at S$3,000 per module and companies are required to take a minimum of three modules per consultancy project.
- CNA/so
- wong chee tat :)
Strong biomedical sector pulls S’pore out of recession
Channel NewsAsia
SINGAPORE: Singapore is out of technical recession as advance estimates show that its economy grew by 20.4 percent in the second quarter, snapping four straight quarterly contractions.
But compared with the same period in the previous year, second—quarter GDP shrank 3.7 percent.
The Ministry of Trade and Industry has also revised first—quarter GDP to a contraction of 9.6 percent on—year instead of the minus 10.1 percent announced in May.
A spike in electronics and biomedical output lifted Singapore’s economy in the second quarter. The key manufacturing sector is estimated to have dipped by 1.5 percent compared to a 24.3 percent contraction in the first quarter.
Despite signs of a recovery, the government cautioned that the outlook for the rest of the year will be subdued. In fact, some economists warned that third—quarter numbers may not be as rosy if the volatile biomedical sector under—performs.
Alvin Liew, an economist at Standard Chartered Bank, said: "Another point on biomedical output; if it remains strong in the second half, that could be due to the fact that the flu pandemic which we are facing have gotten worse, which means the requirements for medical output may be higher, but that would mean tourism and other related sectors could be badly hit. So the net—off effect is fairly hard to say."
Observers said the uptick in the electronics sector — due to inventory restocking — may be unsustainable if global demand does not improve. This is especially since three quarters of Singapore’s GDP growth are driven by external demand.
Vishnu Varathan, a regional economist at Forecast, said: "We have not seen any compelling signs of a demand—led recovery just yet. We are not convinced US consumers will consume at the same rate they used to, pre—crisis. Yes, there is improvement in US savings rate, property prices have stopped dropping in the US or stopped plunging off the cliffs....these are positive at the margins for externally—focused country like Singapore, but to bet on a V—shaped rebound will be to ignore the downside risks out there."
Singapore’s services sector remained weak, shrinking 5.1 percent in the second quarter. Hotels and restaurants sector was weighed down by the slump in tourist arrivals, while the financial services sector contracted less severely on the back of improved market sentiment.
On the employment front, economists said the positive data for the second quarter may not necessarily translate to fewer job cuts, especially in more vulnerable sectors. They said companies are also cautious about recruitment as many of them are still running at excess capacity.
Singapore has raised its full—year economic forecast to a 4 to 6 per cent contraction to reflect the improved Q2 performance. In April, the government had projected the economy to shrink by 6 to 9 per cent.
— CNA/ir
- wong chee tat :)
Monday, July 13, 2009
Star Trek Nemesis
Yesterday, watching the Star Tek Nemesis on Channel 5 with family.
- wong che tat :)
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Effort to do good deeds
- wong chee tat :)
Friday, July 10, 2009
Women longing for a baby advised to opt for ugly men
Handsome men who are lucky in love may not be the best bet as a mate for women hoping to get pregnant, researchers have said.
Published: 7:00AM BST 10 Jul 2009
Uglier men with fewer notches on their belts are likely to be more productive between the sheets, it is claimed.
Research suggests that in many species, the most desirable males restrict their "sperm load" with each mating to ensure enough to go around.
The same could be true of humans and other primates, say scientists.
If they are right, women looking for the best chance of getting pregnant might be advised to avoid handsome lotharios.
The theory proposes that males have evolved to look for the optimum "sperm load" per mating.
This varies depending on how many available females there are to mate with, and what the chances of mating with them are.
Males with the opportunity to mate with a lot of females would be likely to produce less sperm on each occasion than those making fewer sexual conquests.
A smaller "sperm load" reduces the chances of any individual female getting pregnant. However, this is outweighed by the fact that many different females can be impregnated.
Such a trade-off is seen in the wild and has been observed in chickens and fish.
Researchers modelled the concept of "spreading sperm" mathematically in a paper to be published in the journal American Naturalist.
One member of the team, PhD student Sam Tazzyman, from the Centre for Mathematics and Physics in the Life sciences and Experimental biology (CoMPLEX) at University College London, said: "In some species, females mate with many different males. Each male's sperm competes with that of other males in a process known as 'sperm competition'. Since males have finite resources to allocate to breeding, they allocate them carefully to each mating to maximise their number of offspring.
"If a male puts a lot of resources into each mating he will get more offspring per mating, but at the expense of fewer matings. If, on the other hand, a male puts few resources into each mating he will secure less paternity per mating, but will be able to carry out more matings overall. Thus, there is a trade-off between number of matings and success per mating.
"How a male negotiates this trade-off depends on how easy he finds it to attract females. The more attractive a male is, the more females will be willing to mate with him, reducing the value of each mating to him. This means it is optimal for him to contribute fewer sperm per mating. Although this reduces fertility per mating, it maximises the number of offspring he sires overall. Less attractive males secure fewer matings but value each of them more highly, and by allocating more sperm to each mating make the most of their meagre opportunities.
"This leads to the rather paradoxical prediction that matings with attractive males may be less fertile than those with unattractive males."
Whether or not the same principle applied to humans and other primates was still unknown, said the researchers – but there every possibility that it did.
"Human attractiveness is complicated and influenced by a number of factors, including cultural preferences," said Mr Tazzyman.
"Nonetheless, ejaculate size and sperm quality are likely to have been moulded by similar forces, like attractiveness and the number of sexual partners, that are important in other species."
- wong chee tat :)
Absolute darkness to envelop Earth on July 22
Source: Pravda.Ru
A total solar eclipse is expected to take place on July 22, at about 8:00 a.m. Beijing time. The Moon will cast its shadow on planet Earth for 6 minutes and 39 seconds. It will be the longest eclipse during the latest two millenniums, China’s official Xinhua news agency said.
It will be possible to eyewitness the spectacular phenomenon in India, Nepal, Bhutan, China and Japan. The eclipse will be partially seen in the north-west of Oceania, in Russia’s Far East and in Kazakhstan.
The amazing natural phenomenon will appear in all its beauty for China , scientists of the Chinese Academy of Sciences said.
The last total eclipse of the Sun occurred on August 1, 2008. The next is expected on July 11, 2010. The most remarkable eclipse took place on August 11, 1999, when it coincided with the planet parade and could be observed all across Europe.
Total solar eclipses are rare events. Although they occur somewhere on Earth every 18 months on average, it has been estimated that they recur at any given place only once every 370 years, on average. The total eclipse only lasts for a few minutes at that location, as the Moon's umbra moves eastward at over 1700 km/h. Totality can never last more than 7 min 31 s, and is usually much shorter: during each millennium there are typically fewer than 10 total solar eclipses exceeding 7 minutes.
The next eclipse exceeding seven minutes in duration will not occur until June 25, 2150. The longest total solar eclipse during the 8,000-year period from 3000 BC to 5000 AD will occur on July 16, 2186, when totality will last 7 min 29 s.
- wong chee tat :)

Decided to test some odd programs and play with my linux box yesterday evening, and I got this (see pic) after booting up. This could be likely that the system may not be properly shutdown. A simple fix using:
fsck -p -v , -p for automatic repair and v for verbose.
If you don't want,
fsck -v , then you have to select yes (y) or no (n) if you want to fix the errors.
Anyway, details about fsck is shown below:
fsck is a Unix utility for checking and repairing file system inconsistencies . File system can become inconsistent due to several reasons and the most common is abnormal shutdown due to hardware failure , power failure or switching off the system without proper shutdown . Due to these reasons the superblock in a file system is not updated and has mismatched information relating to system data blocks, free blocks and inodes .
Modes of operation :
fsck operates in two modes interactive and non interactive :
interactive : the fsck examines the file system and stops at each error it finds in the file system and gives the problem description and ask for user response usually whether to correct the problem or continue without making any change to the file system.
noninteractive :fsck tries to repair all the problems it finds in a file system without stopping for user response useful in case of a large number of inconsistencies in a file system but has the disadvantage of removing some useful files which are detected to be corrupt .
If file system is found to have problem at the booting time non interactive fsck fsck is run and all errors which are considered safe to correct are corrected. But if still file system has problems the system boots in single user mode asking for user to manually run the fsck to correct the problems in file system
Running fsck :
fsck should always be run in a single user mode which ensures proper repair of file system . If it is run in a busy system where the file system is changing constantly fsck may see the changes as inconsistencies and may corrupt the file system .
if the system can not be brought in a single user mode fsck should be run on the partitions ,other than root & usr , after unmounting them . Root & usr partitions can not be unmounted . If the system fails to come up due to root/usr files system corruption the system can booted with CD and root/usr partitions can be repaired using fsck.
command syntax:
fsck [ -F fstype] [-V] [-yY] [-o options] special
-F fstype type of file system to be repaired ( ufs , vxfs etc)
-V verify the command line syntax but do not run the command
-y or -Y Run the command in non interactive mode - repair all errors encountered without waiting for user response.
-o options Three options can be specified with -o flag
b=n where n is the number of next super block if primary super block is corrupted in a file system .
p option used to make safe repair options during the booting process.
f force the file system check regardless of its clean flag.
special - Block or character device name of the file system to be checked/repaired - for example /dev/rdsk/c0t3d0s4 .Character device should be used for consistencies check & repair
fsck checks the file system in a series of 5 pages and checks a specific functionality of file system in each phase.
** phase 1 - Check Blocks and Sizes
** phase 2 - Check Pathnames
** phase 3 - Check Connectivity
** phase 4 - Check Reference Counts
** phase 5 - Check Cylinder Groups
Error messages & Corrective action :
1.Corrupted superblock - fsck fails to run
If the superblock is corrupted the file system still can be repaired using alternate superblock which are formed while making new file system .
the first alternate superblock number is 32 and others superblock numbers can be found using the following command :
newfs -N /dev/rdsk/c0t0d0s6
for example to run fsck using first alternate superblock following command is used
fsck -F ufs -o b=32 /dev/rdsk/c0t0d0s6
2.Link counter adjustment : fsck finds mismatch between directory inode link counts and actual directory links and prompts for adjustment in case of interactive operation .Link count adjustments are considered to be a safe operation in a file system and should be repaired by giving 'y' response to the adjust ? prompt during fsck.
3.Free Block count salvage : During fsck the number of free blocks listed in a superblock and actual unallocated free blocks count does not match .fsck inform this mismatch and asks to salvage free block count to synchronize the superblock count. This error can be corrected without any potential problem to the file system or files.
4.Unreferenced file reconnection : While checking connectivity fsck finds some inodes which are allocated but not referenced -not attached to any directory . Answering y to reconnect message by fsck links these files to the lost+found directory with their inode number as their name .
To get more info about the files in lost+found 'file' command can be used to see the type of files and subsequently they can be opened in their applications or text editors to find out about their contents. If the file is found to be correct it can be used after copying to some other directory and renaming it.
- wong chee tat :)