Monday, March 31, 2014

Tariff Rates - Apr to Jun 2014

  The electricity tariff for households is 25.73 cents per kWh (with effect from 1 Apr 14 to 30 Jun 14) 
    The gas tariff for households is 21.01 cents per kWh (with effect from 1 Feb 14 to 30 Apr 14)

    The water tariff for households is $1.17 per cubic metre (below 40m3) and $1.40 per cubic metre (above

Electricity tariffs are regulated by the Energy Market Authority (EMA) and revised quarterly to reflect the actual cost of electricity. SP Services buys electricity on behalf of customers and pays the gencos, transmission licensee and other market players based on the rates of the various cost components as approved by EMA. There are four main cost components in the electricity tariff. They are:-


- wong chee tat :)

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