Thursday, August 21, 2008

Carbon nanotubes

Carbon nanotubes?

Yes, some pics of them here ( from wikipedia):

Another :

- wong chee tat :)

Status Update

Last week, I went to Prof and discuss with him about the project. He was very enthusatic gave an overview of the project and he quickly zoomed into the project that I will be doing. He gave me several more papers to read.

Since the project is highly mathematical in nature, I expected that the papers he gave me were also of that standard too. When I printed the papers and looked through it, I was in for a totally shocked! Yes! Shocking!

The project was very multi-disciplinary too, it required lots of (assumed?) basic understanding in areas such as fundamental physics, electromagnetics, semi-conductor physics, material science,etc. And of course don't forget maths too!

As an undergrad, I only learnt a very small part of them in my eng course. :( Thus, it requires me to do more additional readings in these areas independently.

Meanwhile, I will be reading and digesting the papers and of course thinking abt it.

- wong chee tat :)

Vista Updates

Updating Vista.

- wong chee tat :)

Design Subject

There are 2 assignments for the design subject. The deadline is next mth for the first assignment. It is already posted in system.

- wong chee tat :)



- wong chee tat :)