Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Saizen REIT

Saizen REIT

Unitholders have been issued a notice of termination dated 16 May 2017 relating to the termination of Saizen REIT.  Trading in the Units of Saizen REIT has been suspended with effect from 9.00 a.m. on 16 May 2017.  Please refer to Saizen REIT’s announcements dated 5 May 2017 and 16 May 2017 for further information on winding-up proceedings.
Saizen Real Estate Investment Trust (“Saizen REIT”) is currently a cash trust.
Listed on the Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited on 9 November 2007, Saizen REIT was the first REIT listed in Singapore to offer exclusive access to Japanese residential real estate. Prior to the disposal of its entire portfolio of real estate assets (the “Disposal”), Saizen REIT held a portfolio of 136 residential properties in 14 cities across Japan.
Saizen REIT completed the Disposal on 4 March 2016, following which Saizen REIT ceased to have any operating business.

- wong chee tat :)

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